Herbert Schanker
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
College of Staten Island
City University of New York
A 2013 SENCER Model
The Technical Education Program at City University of New York
Civic issues often require basic knowledge of computer science and technology to be properly understood. Examples over the past few years abound, and include such important issues as: problems with electronic voting machines, privacy on the World Wide Web, data collection for the 2010 Census, government oversight of internet transactions, and copyright laws governing music, book and video downloads. Students who major in humanities as undergraduates tend to shy away from science, and do not appreciate how necessary this knowledge is for them in their future lives as productive citizens. A strong and healthy society requires educated citizens who understand and appreciate the scientific topics that are relevant factors in so many decisions. The Technical Education Program at CUNY uses this website to link a basic Computer Technology Course to content and materials that explore the civic, ethical, and political questions raised by our rapidly expanding technological capacity.
Linking Science and Social Issues
Each class the basic computer science content is linked to civic and social questions via newspaper articles, videos, websites, and other digitized content embedded in the “lectures” and “articles” pages of the website: http://www.techep.csi.cuny.edu/?page=lectures
Examples of this content:
- Spies threaten U.S. electric grid: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123914805204099085.html
- Scientists In Politics: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/03/14/956359/-Why-There-Are-So-Few-Scientists-And-Engineers-In-Politics#
- Physicists in Congress Calculate Their Influence: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/10/science/10phys.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
- Can You Count on Voting Machines?: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/06/magazine/06Vote-t.html
- Cable Companies Target Commercials to Audience: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/04/business/04cable.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=&st=nyt
The Course
Developing TechEP was a collaborative effort by the following individuals:
Technical Content
Professor Herbert Schanker herbert.schanker at csi.cuny.edu
Professor Sarah Zelikovitz sarah.zelikovitz at csi.cuny.edu
Civic Engagement Content
Core 100 Coordinator Donna Scimeca donna.scimeca at csi.cuny.edu
Web Administrator
Lab technician Albert Mullayev albert.mullayev at cix.csi.cuny.edu
Server Administrator
Senior lab technician Chang Guo chang.guo at csi.cuny.edu
All course materials and related content is on the website:
Evaluating Learning
There are a total of 10-14 different labs that students will complete over the semester. Attendance is expected for all class hours, including lab hours. All lab reports and homework assignments must be handed in on time for full credit. Lab reports are due one week from the completion of the lab, in the format described in the Lab Report format document posted on this site.
The grade for this course will be based on one midterm, lab assignments and homework, and a final examination.
Lab Assignments and Homework: | 20% |
Midterm Examination: | 40% |
Final Examination: | 40% |
The instructor uses the SENCER SALG instrument.