Code of Conduct for Events
NCSCE and SENCER are communities committed to a code of conduct that reflects our ideals and values. We have adopted the guidelines and principles of Code for Science and Society, which reflects these values.
SENCER Summer Institute
Our largest annual meeting, the SENCER Summer Institute provides professional development and networking opportunities over the course of four days to formal and informal educators, administrators, students, representatives of non-profits and agencies. Go here for information on SSI 2023 (August 3rd-6th).
Free WEBINAR: Grassroots Histories and the Arts and Sciences--March 26
Free NCSCE Webinar:Grassroots Histories and the Arts and Sciences
This Webinar will feature quick, high impact things we can do now in our current classes that will develop our students' powers of visual, scientific and verbal expression. The idea driving this project is empowering our students to record from the grassroots level how the pandemic has affected their lives, to help themselves and others see and understand across cultural divides and to argue for social justice. The project starts modestly with teachers and faculty in courses across the curriculum offering students extra credit for creating their own Grassroots Histories. Our goal is to help students look at their everyday lives with the eyes of writers, visual artists, scientists and historians. The grassroots histories our students create may eventually become part of the historical narrative of our times.
Presenters: Frank Wattenberg (U.S. Military Academy (emeritus), Marianna Bonanome and Katherine Poirier (New York City College of Technology)
For more information and to register:
Call for Presentations for a Free VIRTUAL CONFERENCE AND SHOWCASE–Connecting Indigenous and Western Knowledge April 23-25, 2021
April 23-25th, 2021. Deadline for Proposals was March 26, 2021. Deadline for final submissions of electronic material for upload, April 16, 2021. PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY IN YOUR NETWORKS!
For more information, contact
Transcending Barriers: Connecting Indigenous and Western Knowledge
To mark the conclusion of the Wm. M. Keck funded project “Transcending Barriers to Success: Connecting Indigenous and Western Knowledge,” the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement will host an on-line conference to feature work done by the project partners, and to highlight many other initiatives and efforts taking place to advance inquiry, research, and education that honor indigenous knowledge, and connect indigenous, local, and “Western” knowledge systems in order to work towards effective and equitable solutions for the important and contested issues of our time. For more information go to
We invite proposals for submissions in the following formats:
- Electronic Poster Presentations (PDF, Presenters will be asked to attend two synchronous poster sessions.)
- 5-8 Minute Video Presentations (mp4)
- 60 Minute Live/Synchronous Panels of 3-5 participants (these will be limited to 6-7 over three days)
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and instructions for submitting digital presentations will be provided on acceptance. Some guidelines for easily creating a video presentation from PPT are HERE
NCSCE’s peer reviewed e-journal, Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal is planning a special issue on the theme of connecting indigenous and western knowledge in 2022, and proposals (250 words max.) for research articles and project reports are also supported and invited.
The Immersive Learning Research Network ( ) will be the co-sponsor of this virtual conference and its VirBELA campus will serve as a venue for the asynchronous digital content (posters and videos) during the meeting. Content will also be uploaded to NCSCE’s YouTube channel so you will be asked to provide permission for public viewing. Presenters can choose to present live/synchronous content either in VirBela or on zoom or similar platform. To explore VirBELA’s platform go to: Presenters who chose VirBELA will be offered an orientation in advance.
Synchronous panels and keynote presentations will be scheduled in the April 23-25 time frame, between 2:00pm and 6:00pm Eastern. Digital content will be available continuously on the VirBELA campus during the conference period, and on the NCSCE YouTube channel afterwards.
To propose a presentation, panel, or poster please use this google form:
Values-Based Academic Leadership Retreat
The Values Based Academic Leadership Institute was held on October 18-19, 2019 at Roosevelt University, Chicago, ILL. The purpose of the Institute is to explore the practices of a values driven leader, one who can produce transformative change by creating an environment of honesty, truth, and trust. Click here for full program!
Regional Meetings
![SENCER Center for Innovation Co-Directors at SSI 2016](
SENCER Center for Innovation Co-Directors at SSI 2016
Our nine regional SENCER Centers of Innovation (SCIs) host two yearly meetings on topics relevant to their local areas, including environmental health and restoration, big data, undergraduate research, sustainability, and improving the STEM pipeline. See report on Mid Atlantic Meeting January 2021 Check here for SCI Southwest meeting, January 31, 2020!
Far Beyond STEM: Integrating the Arts, Humanities and STEM
Far Beyond STEM: Integrating the Arts, Humanities and STEM was a meeting held at Stony Brook University for faculty interested in the use of challenging civic issues to create interdisciplinary courses and programs that engage students and improve their learning.