Glenn Odenbrett is a nationally-recognized leader in the area of integrating community service with undergraduate coursework, and regularly serves as either a coordinator or campus team facilitator for conferences and training institutes in this area. In 1998, he organized and hosted a national institute on service learning in the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (SEAMS) disciplines, and has presented workshops on this topic at previous SENCER Summer Institutes. During his 11-year tenure as director of the Office of Student Community Service at Case Western Reserve University, he coordinated faculty development initiatives that promoted service-learning and community-based research across the undergraduate curriculum. This past March, as a SENCER Leadership Fellow, he coordinated a SENCER-based Great Lakes Stewardship Conference that attracted faculty, students, and community partners from seven states and Quebec. Glenn now serves as the program director for the Great Lakes Innovative Stewardship Through Education Network (GLISTEN), an initiative funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service in 2009 through their Learn and Serve Program.