Stephanie L. Knight is Professor of Educational Psychology in the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining Penn State in January, 2009, she spent 20 years at Texas A&M University where she was the Houston Endowment Inc., Endowed Chair in Urban Education. While at Texas A&M, Dr. Knight received the university former students’ association award for teaching excellence and was selected as a University Faculty Fellow as a result of her research and scholarship in teacher education. Leadership positions include Director of the Learning to Teach in Inner-City Schools (LTICS) Program in Houston urban schools; Director of the Center for Collaborative Learning Communities at TAMU; and Associate Director for Research into Practice in the NSF funded Center for Teaching and Learning, Information Technology in Science Center. She also participated as a senior researcher in the national Center for Research on Excellence and Diversity in Education (CREDE) with the responsibility for developing the synthesis on research on professional development for teachers of diverse populations. She has served as evaluator for several large projects including the NSF-funded Writing for Assessment and Learning in the Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Texas A&M, the DOE-fundedPartnership for Quality Education project at University of Houston, and the Danforth School Leaders Program, an evaluation of four national sites funded by the Danforth Foundation. Her research focuses on effective classroom practices and pre-service and in-service professional development for teachers. She served as co-editor of the American Educational Research Journalfrom 2004-2007 and has published many articles in journals such as Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Education of Students Placed at Risk, Journal of Educational Research,and the International Journal of Learning Environments. Photograph from