NCSCE Grant Supports Cross-Cultural Knowledge Sharing to Address Complex Problems

Over the next three years, Humboldt State University and the Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources are partnering to help students increase their understanding of the relationship between western science, traditional knowledge, and the cultural and social issues of particular importance to the Tribe. The effort is one of four projects selected for pilot award funding under the new NCSCE initiative Transcending Barriers to Success: Connecting Indigenous and Western Knowledge. As announced in November, the partnership is directed by Amy Sprowles, Lisa Hillman, and Leaf Hillman.


Humboldt State University recently released an article on the group’s work, detailing the place-based learning students will benefit from, and citing the importance of the support to other multi-disciplinary projects across the university. To read more, please click here.

Posted in eNews, In the News, SENCER News.