Session and Poster Description Guide
Descriptions for posters and sessions should emphasize the research, results and lessons which will be described, rather than reference the poster or session. Descriptions should be in the third person, and should sparingly use the terms “this poster” or “this session”.
The text for poster descriptions should be 175-275 words, and one or two paragraphs in length, not counting titles and presenter names and institutions.
The text for session descriptions should be 100-150 words, and one paragraph in length, not counting titles and presenter names and institutions.
The following is an example of descriptions from previous programs meeting these criteria:
Session Description:
SENCER Mathematics Across the Curriculum
by Engaging Mathematics Partners
The NSF-funded project Engaging Mathematics has two primary objectives. First, important personal and public policy decisions will be used to organize (mathematics) curriculum and to show students the relevance of mathematics in making good decisions. Second, the SENCERized mathematics curriculum developed in the project will be available to faculty for use in their classrooms. The session will begin with each speaker offering a brief summary of the curricular materials they are developing for SENCER. Attendees will then have the opportunity to meet with the speakers individually to learn more about the topics and to explore collaborations. Although some of the speakers will represent the Engaging Mathematics project, other mathematics faculty will be invited share their curriculum and experiences in order to increase collaboration and networking.
Poster Description:
Informal Science Education and Forest Restoration in a Multigenerational Community of Practice
by Linda Fuselier, Antioch College and Janene Guiseffi, Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center
Inclusion of civic engagement in outdoor education programs and college classes resulted in learning gains in environmental science and a multigenerational community of practice centered around forest restoration. Addressing the loss of biodiversity through forest ecosystem restoration in the wake of species invasions is an issue of civic consequence that has the potential to engage audiences of all ages. Antioch College and the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center partnered to infuse civic engagement into a grade school outdoor education curriculum, create programming for intergenerational learning and introduce college students to informal science education as a career trajectory, all within the context of forest restoration. During the first year of this partnership, grade school students collected seeds of native plants as part of a forest ecology lesson. The seeds were used in plant propagation workshops offered at a local senior center. College students from an Environmental Science course acted as informal science educators in these intergenerational workshops. The seedlings from the workshops were planted by community members in a demonstration restoration area at the Outdoor Education Center. The partners assessed learning gains and interest among grade school participants and documented knowledge transfer between college students and senior adult workshop participants. The partners documented learning gains, increased interest and bi-directional exchange of knowledge in a multigenerational community. Activities in the second year of this partnership will include the design of experiments to test and monitor the efficacy of restoration plantings and a plant foster care program for older adults. Overall, the partnership resulted in a multigenerational community of practice centered around species invasions and forest restoration.
Poster Format
The formatting of posters is totally up to you as a presenter. We ask that posters, as with their descriptions, be results-oriented.
Poster Size
We will have 36 inch tall by 48 inch wide poster boards available for use on site onto which you may pin or clip your poster (we will provide the pins/clips). If you have already mounted your poster onto a foam board, there will be easels available onto which you can sit your poster.
Please contact the NCSCE office if you need to ship a poster to a meeting. NCSCE is not able to ship posters from meetings.
Please contact Kyle Simmons, NCSCE’s Faculty Development Events Program Manager by phone at (202) 483-4600 or by email at with any further questions about formats for session and poster descriptions.