The following are guidelines to ensure that the formatting of session and poster proposals for NCSCE’s events are easy to read and consistent.
- Descriptions for posters and sessions should emphasize research, results and lessons, rather than simply reference the poster or session.
- Descriptions should be written to attract participants to view your poster, or attend your session. Simply describing a project does not accomplish this.
- Descriptions should be in the third person, and should sparingly use the terms “this poster” or “this session.”
- The Poster dimensions should be 48″ wide by 36″ tall.
- The text for poster descriptions should be 175-275 words, and 1 or 2 paragraphs in length, not counting titles and presenter names and institutions.
- Example:
STEAM Cleaned: Fostering Collaborations Between STEM and Humanities Through the Topic of Clothing
Rita Kranidis
Montgomery College
For the last two years, the Global Humanities Institute has worked with instructional designers at Montgomery College to create events that bring together faculty in STEM and the Humanities to address a global concern. Outstanding faculty representing several disciplines serving as table leads prepared for the workshop by discussing how integrating one another’s disciplines might enhance the way they teach topics like the ones featured at each event: In 2015, the topic was “STEAMed Rice: Collaborations Between STEM and the Humanities on the Topic of Global Food.” In 2016, the topic was “STEAM Cleaned: Collaborations Between STEM and the Humanities on the Garment Industry.” Faculty also prepared and shared resources that would support their interdisciplinary teaching.In this poster, Rita Kranidis, Director of the Global Humanities Institute, will share some of the discoveries of the STEAM workshop faculty participants, including teaching resources, insights on the possibilities for integrating STEM and the Humanities to address global issues, and their ideas for how their new learning might manifest itself in the various classrooms in the near future. Rita will also share information about the STEAM workshops’ partnership with the Pulitzer Center in Washington, DC, which has stepped forward to support our curriculum work.
- Example:
- The text for session descriptions should be 100-200 words, and 1 or 2 paragraphs in length, not counting titles and presenter names and institutions.
- Example:
Active Learning
Drew Sieg
Young Harris College
Active learning engages students in their learning by encouraging thoughtful reflections, the practice of new skills, and the application of new knowledge. Active learning includes any activity that students do before, during, or after class that moves them beyond passive listening and note taking – to explore the materials, to consider what they have read, seen and heard, apply it to real life situation or new problems, and proactive the process of adapting and applying learning while alone, in pairs, or in groups. Decades of research in multiple disciplines, several models of instruction, and emerging best practices in assessing student learning are available for support the faculty member who believe students will learn better when classroom activity is not limited to lecturing alone. This session will provide an overview of effective practices in active learning.Participants, working in small groups, will:
-consider benefits and drawbacks to active learning
-share their own efforts to incorporate active learning strategies
-explore “Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning” (POGIL) strategies
-examine active learning strategies for lab settings
- Example: